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Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha amid Unfinished Construction: BJP’s Distraction Politics for 2024 Election

The construction of the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is unquestionably a historic event in Indian history. However, while the temple’s construction was still ongoing, the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha event raised concerns that, it is being deliberately utilized by Prime Minister Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as an electoral tool for the approaching 2024 Lok Sabha elections. According to several Indians, including high ranking Hindu Dharma Gurus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s BJP has purposefully utilized this event to divert public attention away from serious concerns including as unemployment, inflation, and anti-minority activity. Without a doubt, the BJP has always portrayed itself as a defender of Hinduism in the convoluted political landscape of India, using religious symbolism and rhetoric to win over supporters, nevertheless, the party’s approach to Hinduism seems to be more about political expediency than a sincere commitment to the values and principles of the religion.

This article attempts to analyse the BJP’s purported exploitation of Hinduism, investigating if the emphasis on the Ram Mandir is a sincere endeavour or an elaborate attempt to deflect public attention with an eye toward the 2024 election.

BJP’s selective narratives of Hinduism:

Without a question, the construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya has brought millions of Hindus great joy and the fulfilment of a lifelong desire, however, the decision of Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha before the temple’s construction not finished has drawn attention and prompted discussions about the decision’s political motives. It is a well-known truth that the BJP, led by Prime Minister Modi, is using the temple’s religious significance to fuel a narrative for their electoral campaign. Additionally, it is also widely known fact that the BJP has only adopted certain Hindu symbols and narratives without considering the wider principles of diversity, tolerance, and inclusiveness that are part of Hinduism. Hinduism is a religion with a long history of social justice, compassion, and inclusivity, but the BJP typically overlooks this commitment by focusing on specific facets of Hindu identity rather than the religion’s core values of addressing societal injustices and promoting peaceful coexistence among diverse communities. Through the construction of a “us versus them” narrative in which Hindus are perceived as threats, the BJP’s narratives focus on spreading discord and cultivating mistrust and hostility amongst other religious communities, consequently exacerbating communal polarization. The party is also isolating those who do not share its vision by characterizing Hindu identity in a limited and exclusive way through the emphasis on particular symbols. By using religious language to frame political discourse, the BJP is creating a risk of fostering an atmosphere in which various religious communities see each other with mistrust rather than collaboration and understanding.

Why many Indians including high order Hindu Dharma Gurus does not attend the event despite invitation?

For Indians, the establishment of the Ram Mandir is of great cultural and religious significance. It is important to keep in mind that the Supreme Court’s 2019 decision, rather than the BJP’s, has paved the way for the temple’s construction. Numerous Hindu organizations, including Dharma Guru Shankaracharya, further have played an important role in this case by providing events in the Supreme Court. However, the BJP alone has claimed credit for the happening, supposedly planned in an effort to deflect attention from more urgent matters and present itself as the protector of Hindu values. Numerous Indians have expressed their discontent, calling it a political display that is connected to the next general elections. Many Sanatanis and Dharma Gurus also believe that using religion as a political instrument or to achieve a political objective is wrong, particularly because the BJP, led by Prime Minister Modi, is purposefully utilized the incomplete building as a potent electoral campaign tool.

While many were invited to the occasion, they were aware of the dignity of their position. Many of them voiced opinions along with the sentiments that, we respect religious beliefs, and the temple’s opening and consecration should have been done by a revered, spiritual person, not by a politician. Along with their disapproval of the way the ritual was being handled, these Gurus had also raised the question, Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi had followed the righteous conduct of Lord Rama by doing the consecration pooja at the semi-constructed temple? Renowned Gurus of Sanatan Dharma, including the Shankaracharya, had also turned down invitations to the temple’s opening ceremony, citing the ceremony had taken on a political colour, which deviated from the scriptural standards necessary for such a holy function. Instead of recognising their efforts in Ram Mandir case and respect their decision, BJP, who consider themselves as a so-called guardian of Hindu Dharm, together with Godi Media, attempted to defame them and disrespected the highest hierarchy of Hindu Gurus.

Diversionary tactic to keep people away from Real Issues?

Although the Ram Mandir’s building is a historic event, the BJP is just using the opportunity to promote publicity at the expense of effective government. The government should be concerned with issues like national security, public welfare, inflation, and unemployment rather than temples. The emphasis on the splendour of the event, rather than solving fundamental challenges, raises questions about the party’s commitment to people centred administration. Unemployment is a major worry, with an increasing number of young people confronting job shortages, and the economic impact of the COVID-19 epidemic has further aggravated the problem, making it a critical topic that demands immediate response. Citizens are voicing concern about growing inflation rates and financial worries. Rather than confronting these challenges, the BJP party’s leaders are taking centre stage at the ceremonies, demonstrating their dedication to keeping commitments and defending Hindutva. It is visible that their emphasis on the Ram Mandir is only a convenient diversion from the government’s poor economic performance, the need for comprehensive strategies to combat inflation, and maintain financial stability.

Tool for 2024 Lok Sabha Elections?

The intentional scheduling of the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha, shortly before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, has brought up questions about the BJP’s motives. It is becoming clear that for BJP, the Ram Mandir event is more than just a religious occasion; it has also been cleverly employed as an instrument in the its political campaign as the 2024 Lok Sabha elections getting nearby. For political advantage, the BJP has always politicised these kinds of religious sentiments. They had presented initiatives like the Indo-Pak conflicts, army attacks, surgical strike, and the building of the Mandirs as measures to increase the number of Hindu voters. Prime Minister Modi understands that the Ram Mandir is an emotive topic, which is why he aims to profit on it in the 2024 Lok Sabha election. The representation of Prime Minister Modi heading the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha was also meticulously planned to convey a message of strong leadership and dedication to Hindu objectives. By connecting the event to the party’s election campaign, the BJP is looking to cash in on the religious zeal surrounding the occasion to persuade voters in its favour.  Looking at the BJP’s ideology, which even don’t spare attacking high-order Dharma Gurus like as Shankaracharya, it is evident that the objective of this Ram temple is just a political tool rather than religious or spiritual.

Join Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra and become voice of change

As early said, the construction of the Ram Mandir is obviously historically significant, however, in the run-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP’s rhetoric around the Ram Mandir was designed to divert attention away from concerns. There is no doubt that the BJP, led by Prime Minister Modi, is purposefully exploiting this event to divert public attention away from urgent concerns such as unemployment, inflation, and anti-minority activity. As well as by challenging and degrading the dignity of Dharma Gurus such as Shankaracharya, the BJP’s approach to Hinduism demonstrates that it is only motivated by political expediency rather than a true dedication to the religion’s ideals and principles.

Since it is vital to take into account the effect of such diversionary techniques on public opinion and political accountability, every real Indian citizen must critically analyse and comprehend this dirty politics. Discussions between people in a flourishing democracy need to cover not just religious and cultural events but also the urgent issues that influence Indian residents’ daily lives. Also, in order to evaluate someone’s commitment to the inclusive and tolerant ideals that are fundamental to Hinduism, it is equally necessary for individuals to participate in critical and educated conversation that goes beyond rhetoric and symbols. Through critical inquiry and analysis of political strategies, every citizen may also foster a more complex and open political dialogue that honours the religious diversity that constitutes an integral part of India. If you were a victim of the BJP’s phony Hinduism philosophy and now realize what the country needs most, whereas you want to speak up and save your fellow Indians from this trap, the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra is the greatest opportunity for you. Join the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra and become a voice for change.

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